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Q. Do I give contractors keys to my house during remodeling?
-Mark Jackson, Phoenix, AZ
A. Hi Mark, This is a very good question. If you are considering giving your house keys to a contractor, be sure to first ask for references. You will certainly feel more comfortable if you've had the chance to speak with the contractor's former clients and they offer a glowing recommendation. Also, be sure that the contractor is licensed and insured (you can ask for verification or look this up online). Then, set some ground rules concerning what areas of your home the contractor may access. You might also want to consider incorporating a clause into your contract that the contractor will not duplicate the key. Ideally, you will hire a contractor whom you trust with keys to your home. However, if you feel uncomfortable, I recommend asking a friend or trusted neighbor to greet the contractor at the start and end of each workday. In fact, in some cities there are concierge services that will send a bonded, insured individual to unlock your home and then -- at the end of the day -- lock up.
Q. I am trying to reupholster my grandmother's couch, does it need to match all the other items in the room?
-Regie, Bethesda, MD
A. Hi Regie, Great question! The reupholstered couch absolutely does not need to match other items in the room -- in fact, why not use this opportunity to create a stunning "accent" piece? For example, if the other items in the room are mostly in muted tones, you might consider upholstering your grandmother's couch in a deep crimson red. This would create a focal point in the room and even make the more muted tones seem brighter. Or, if the room is already filled with a lot of color, try a neutral -- but not too light -- tone such as jade green or butterscotch. Be daring and enjoy!
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